13 Character of every Da'i when they do Dakwah :
1. Love and affection to all creation
Kasih sayang kepada semua makhluk
2. Have a zeal to sacrifice of wealth and self for the Deen of Allah swt.
Semangat korban harta dan diri untuk agama Allah swt.
3. Always in self rectifying
Selalu memperbaiki diri
4. Sincere to hope the pleasure of Allah swt
Ikhlas semata-mata mencari ridha Allah swt.
5. Solely istighfar (ask apologize to Allah swt) in every good deeds.
Istighfar dalam setiap amal
6. Isbath ( self handover) only to Allah swt
Menisbatkan diri hanya kepada Allah swt
7. Patient in examination from Allah swt
Sabar dalam menghadapi cobaan dari Allah swt.
8. Unhopeless in every failure
Tidak putus asa dalam setiap kegagalan
9. Persistent as a camel
Tabah seperti unta
10. Humble as the earth
Tawadhu seperti bumi
11. Firm and strong as a mount
Teguh dan kuat seperti gunung
12. Have wide perspective as the sky
Berwawasan luas seperti langit
13. Consistent as the sun
Istiqomah seperti matahari
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