Mushalla Al Hidayah

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Remaja Mushalla Al Hidayah (RAMAH)

Jagalah Sholat Fardhu Berjamaah 5 Waktu di Mesjid / Mushalla

Usahakan Sholat secara berjamaah, dimana azan bekumandang, dan di mesjid/mushalla

Pengurus RAMAH yang baru

Semoga tetap Istiqomah

November 28, 2021

Adab when visit Mecca and Madinah

 If you are ever planning to go to Hajj and Umrah, please listen to this attentively. The loss of adab in our age is tragic. - As said our brother Syakh Mohammed Aslam.

November 24, 2021

Top 7 Best Recitations of Surah Al Fatiha

 Heart touching Al Fatihah recitation in Shalat. Please listen.. 

November 20, 2021

Once say Shalawat, answered Ten Times

 Narrates from Anas Bin Malik r.a. Nabi Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said :

Whoever Shalawat for me once, then Allah Shalawat for him ten times, and removes from him ten mistakes. ( Al Bukhari )

November 19, 2021

10 Sifat Wanita Sholehah

 Berikut 10 Sifat Wanita Sholehah : 

Muslim Yang Paling Cerdas

 Seorang Sahabat Anshar bertanya kepada Rasulullah Saw, Wahai Rasulullah, orang mukmin manakah yang paling mulia? Berliau Bersabda : 

Istri Tidak I'tikaf, Bisa Menyamai Pahala I'tikaf Suami Juga

Istri yang membantu, mempersiapkan dan mendukung suami, baik amal maupun ibadah, maka akan menyamai semua itu. 

Doa Ketika Bersin

 Berikut doa ketika bersin sesuai sunnah nabi :

August 31, 2018


Allah Azza wa Jalla places the success of human's life in this world and hereafter only in the perfect deen.

1. Having The Essence of Kalimah Thayyibah Laa iIaaha illalah Muhammadurrasulullah

A. Laa ilaaha illalah
Laa iIaaha illalah means that nobodu is worthy of worship except Allah

2. Sholat Khusyu' wal Khudhu'

It means sholat with full of concentration and devotion by bearing in mind the grandeur of Allah follow the way of Rasulullah Saw.

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